
Do Under Desk Bikes Work For Weight Loss? Yes, Here’s How To Use Them!

Yes, under-desk bikes do work for weight loss… But with some caveats.

Under-desk bikes can help burn calories, which helps you lose weight. But it’s not a magical solution!

Mindlessly pedaling while you work may not lead to significant weight loss on its own.

You’ll burn more calories compared to just sitting still… But it may not be enough if you don’t combine it with other things (like nutrition, yes).

Use this equipment properly and combine it with other strategies – it will be life-changing!

In a nutshell: Losing weight with an under-desk bike

To do it, you have to treat it like a workout (i.e. increase your heart rate for a specific amount of time, a few times per week).

Combine it with a caloric deficit, strength training, stress management and good sleep for the best results!

How to lose weight with an under-desk bike (5 steps)

Losing weight with an under-desk bike requires more than just pedaling. Here are five steps to use it to help you drop some body fat:

1) Increase the intensity

Gradually increasing your intensity level is one of the easiest ways to lose weight with exercise.

You can do this by:

  • Increasing the tension on the machine
  • Decreasing the time it takes you to cover a mile/kilometre
  • Pedaling for longer periods

2) Combine it with a caloric deficit

To lose weight, you need to be in a caloric deficit. The best way to do this is by making small changes to your diet, such as:

  • Avoiding hyper-palatable foods – brownies, pretzels, hot dogs, burgers, sugary drinks…
  • Consuming more fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats (like avocado).
  • Doing some tracking – tracking your food intake, weight, body measurements…

Keep in mind that you don’t have to do all of this perfectly. You don’t have to eat absolutely clean every single day, or track every little thing.

Losing weight takes time. It’s key to make it as easy for you as possible, so you can stick to the process long-term.

3) Do strength training 2-3 times per week

Regardless of how much you’re using the equipment, the CDC recommends strength training at least twice a week.

Apart from being excellent for your health, the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn!

This is because musculoskeletal tissue (the tissue that makes your quadriceps, biceps, and other muscles) needs lots of energy to function.

It also helps tone your body and reduce your body fat percentage (as long as you’re in a caloric deficit, too).

You can do strength training exercises at home, such as squats, lunges, push-ups, and planks. You can also use resistance bands or dumbbells to add more resistance to your workout.

What muscle groups are targeted when using an under-desk bike?

The primary muscle groups targeted are the quadriceps, hamstrings, and calf muscles. The cycling motion also helps to increase blood flow, which can improve overall cardiovascular health!

4) Don’t forget the basics

Managing your stress and improving your sleep are absolute MUSTS in any weight loss journey.

Stress can lead to elevated levels of cortisol, a hormone that can increase your appetite and make it easier for you to store fat. This stacks the deck against you.

As for sleep, the lack of it has been linked to increased hunger and cravings. Over time, it can also contribute to insulin resistance, making it even harder to lose weight.

The good news is that regular exercise can help both stress and sleep! Consider techniques like mindfulness and meditation, too.

5) Have a goal in mind

This will help motivate you, as you’ll have something to work towards.

There are different goals you can set, not only losing X amount of weight. We recommend starting with setting goals around time or average speed.

For example, aim to cycle for 20 minutes per day at a speed of 5 mph. Once you achieve that, increase either the time and/or speed.

You can log your workouts on your smartwatch, an app, or a notebook. This will give you perspective and help you see how far you’ve come!

Do under-desk bikes burn calories?

Yes, they burn calories.

A 2019 study found that under desk bike users can burn anywhere between 198 to 450 calories, while their sedentary counterparts burn only 59 to 191 calories.

It’s a wide range for the under-bike group!

This is because how many calories are burned depends on a few factors, including:

  • The intensity of the pedaling (the higher your heart rate, the better)
  • The duration (the longer you exercise, the more calories burned)
  • Your nutrition (you need a caloric deficit to lose weight)
  • Your body (usually, people with higher weights tend to burn more calories)

This may not be practical in an office setting, though

If you’re using an under-desk bike while working, it may be difficult to pedal at a high speed with resistance, which are both important for weight loss.

This is because:

  • You’ll probably sweat, which may not be adequate for office workers
  • Some mini-bikes are noisy, which can be distracting for you and your co-workers
  • Your bike and/or chair can roll over if you go at it too hard

But don’t let this deter you! Even if a bike desk is not ideal for weight loss (at least not at your desk job), it provides several health benefits that make it 100% worth it.

Be aware of this if you want to lose weight

Weight loss is not a simple mathematical equation. It’s not just burning calories and eating in a caloric deficit.

There are LOTS of factors that determine your weight loss rate.

And even if you have a lot of calories burned each day, your body may still have a hard time losing fat just because you’re stressed or sleep-deprived.

This is to say that losing weight is a journey. It takes time, and it’s not a straight line… Far from it!

That’s why, even if weight loss is your goal, we recommend setting habit and exercise-based goals, like:

  • Skip hyper-palatable foods in 3 out of 4 meals
  • Adding veggies to 2 meals a day
  • Swapping one glass of soda for a glass of water per day
  • Using your under-desk bike 20 minutes per day
  • Creating a sleep routine

Achieving these goals over time will inevitably lead to weight loss. But this way, you’re installing good habits that will help you keep the weight off for good!


Can you get a good workout from an under-desk bike?

Yes, you can get a good workout from an under-desk bike. This fitness equipment can get your blood pumping in no time. Most pedal exercisers come with a dial to increase intensity – crank it up!

Does an under-desk bike help lose belly fat?

Yes, an under-desk bike (and any exercise bike for that matter) can help lose belly fat. To do this, you have to pedal at a moderate-high intensity for 20-30 minutes at a time, a few times per week.

You also have to combine this with a caloric deficit, stress management, and sleep hygiene techniques.

What are the best under-desk bikes on the market?

The best under-desk bikes on the market include the Desk Cycle, Flexispot’s Deskcise Pro V9, and the magnetic mini exercise bike from Sunny Health & Fitness.

When choosing an under-desk bike, it is important to consider factors such as price, resistance levels, noise level, and size.

The bottom line

Incorporating an under-desk bike into your routine can be a fantastic step towards a less sedentary lifestyle.

It may not be a magical solution on its own, but using it regularly can help you lose weight.

Combine it with a balanced diet, regular exercise, stress management, and good sleep for the best results!

Finally, remember that despite the calorie burn you get, an under-desk bike has other benefits that are just as valuable as losing weight – from better cardiovascular health to less knee pain and even improved concentration.

  • Podrekar, Nastja et al. “Effects of cycle and treadmill desks on energy expenditure and cardiometabolic parameters in sedentary workers: review and meta-analysis.” International journal of occupational safety and ergonomics: JOSE vol. 27,3 (2021): 728-736. doi: 10.1080/10803548.2018.1562688
  • Ingels, John Spencer et al. “The Effect of Adherence to Dietary Tracking on Weight Loss: Using HLM to Model Weight Loss over Time.” Journal of diabetes research vol. 2017 (2017): 6951495. doi: 10.1155/2017/6951495
  • Chao, Ariana M et al. “Stress, cortisol, and other appetite-related hormones: Prospective prediction of 6-month changes in food cravings and weight.” Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.) vol. 25,4 (2017): 713-720. doi: 10.1002/oby.21790
  • Torbeyns, T. et al. “The potential of bike desks to reduce sedentary time in the office: a mixed-method study.” Public health vol. 144 (2017): 16-22. doi: 10.1016/j.puhe.2016.11.006

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