
How To Use An Under Desk Bike? 5 Tricks, Common Mistakes, And Workout Samples

Using an under-desk bike is pretty straightforward – put it on the floor, sit on the chair and start pedaling.

However, there’s A LOT of nuance when it comes to the setup. 

It can make the pedaling feel seamless, so it’s something you look forward to doing. OR it can make it so frustrating you want to throw the bike out of the window. 

There’s not a universal setup that works for every single person, either. This depends on your height, usage, your general workstation, and even the type of chair and desk you have. 

You’ll know how to figure all that out further down. By the end, you’ll know how to use an under-desk bike to reap ALL the benefits and then some!

In a nutshell: How do you use an under-desk bike?

Make sure your under-desk bike is set up properly by adjusting its position and changing the seat hight. 

Keep proper form while pedaling at a pace that allows you to focus on the activities you’re doing. Too much resistance can be distracting!

Start slow (30 minutes per day) and build up from there – this gives your body time to adapt and prevents injuries.

5 Tips to Use Your Under-desk Bike the Right Way

These are the fundamental things that will elevate your under-desk biking game:

1) Position your bike properly

Your bike is in the right position if:

  • The pedals are easy to reach when seated
  • Your knees are slightly bent in the furthest point of the pedaling cycle
  •  Knees shouldn’t bump under the desk while you pedal
  • No straining, hunching over, or stretching to be able to pedal
  • You can use the keyboard and mouse comfortably

If you’re not quite there yet, start by adjusting the height of your chair and the position of the desk! Doing this is usually enough to fix most issues.

2) Check your form and posture

Maintaining proper form is key to reaping all the health benefits without the aches:

  • Sit up straight and keep your shoulders relaxed
  • Have some back support to increase comfort
  • Secure your feet on the pedals
  • Slightly engage your core while pedaling to keep you in place

3) Don’t move your body side to side when pedaling

It may sound strange, but you should always pedal with your legs only. 

If you’re not used to the cycling motion, it’s easy to get carried away and use your entire body for pedaling. This could cause pain in the hips, upper back, and other joints!

So, you’ll have to do a conscious effort to pedal with only your legs. This engages the right muscles and prevents fatigue.

If this happens, it could mean that the resistance level is too high for you at the moment, or that there’s something wrong with your posture.

Fix this by either lowering the resistance level or checking your setup again.

4) Opt for low intensity during deep work

Deep work requires lots of brain power, which may not be feasible if you’re also going hard on the pedals. 

During these tasks, it’s best to reduce the resistance to a minimum, or even stop pedaling altogether. 

This way, you can integrate physical activity into your busy schedule without sacrificing productivity.

5) Mark the spot with masking tape

To maintain consistency in your setup, mark the ideal spot for your under-desk bike with masking tape. 

This quick trick ensures you waste no time readjusting every time you want to sneak in a workout during your workday.

How to stop your office chair from rolling away when pedaling?

This is very frustrating, but thankfully there are a few easy fixes to do: 

Pedal downward

Some of us subconsciously push the pedals forward when doing the cycling motion. This can push the equipment and/or roll the chair away. 

But pedaling downward can keep this from happening. It anchors the feet and stabilizes both your chair and the equipment. 

This little trick is one of the simplest ways to keep your chair in place. Stop doing the little dances on your seat to return it into place!

Use a strap

If the previous trick doesn’t work, grab a strap or a belt to secure the bike to your chair. 

Some mini-bikes come with a velcro strap to do this. But if yours doesn’t, you can easily get one for cheap in Amazon.

Place a mat or wedges

Another option is to place a mat under your chair and mini bike. This will help to keep them in place and prevent them from sliding around on the floor. 

A rug or a yoga mat usually do the trick. There are non-slip mats available, too.

You can also use wedges or stoppers under the wheels to keep them from rolling!

Swap your chair

If all else fails, consider swapping your chair for one without wheels. 

The downside of these chairs is that it’s not easy to adjust the height, which may be needed to have the proper set-up with your under-desk bike.

You can’t decrease the height, but you can increase it by adding folded towels, folded bed sheets, or cushions.

What if your knees hit the desk?

First, make sure that when pedaling, your knees have a slight bend at the furthest point. Adjust the chair height and/or the mini-bike positioning to get there.

  • If they’re not at the right angle but still hitting the desk, try the following:
  • Check if the pedals of your mini bike can be lowered
  • Move the bike a bit further away
  • Lower your chair or swap it for another one with a lower seat height
  • Try it on a higher desk (if possible)

And if none of these solutions work?

Sadly, you may need to look for a new under-desk bike. 

If you want to get a new under-desk bike, do this to ensure you won’t hit your knees with the desk again:

  • Measure the space available under the desk. 
  • Measure the length of your leg (from the sole of the shoe up to the bent knee). 

Once you find the mini bike you want to purchase, write down the height of the pedals. 

Add that number to the length of your leg (which you previously measured). If the result is lower than the space available under the desk, go ahead and buy the product.

Another option is looking into a bike with an integrated desk instead.

These are a bit pricier than mini-bikes, but you definitely won’t bump your knees with the desk. Plus, most models let you adjust the height of the seat, pedals, and even the desk.

How long should you use an under desk bike?

30-60 minutes a day is good enough for most people who want to be less sedentary. It doesn’t have to be in one sitting – you can do it in 3-6 sets of 10 minutes, for example. 

There’s no upper limit, as long as you give your body enough time to adapt and recover.

If you’re new to using an under-desk bike, start with short bursts of 5-10 minutes with low intensity to get a feel for it. Repeat 2-3 times a day during the first week. 

This will help you gauge how you’re feeling and adjust according to your needs and what your body is capable of.

You can increase the duration of your sessions as you get used to the under-desk bike!

Avoid going too hard in the beginning, though

This can lead to injury, more so if you’re not pedaling with proper form.

Look, it’s really exciting to have a new under-desk bike. Of course you’ll want to use it as much as possible!

Plus, you bought it to help you be more healthy, right? 

Well, the key to be more healthy is to start with moderation and do small increases over time. This gives your body time to adapt to this new stimulus, and not get injured in the process.

How to incorporate an under-desk bike into your routine?

First and foremost, make it easy for you to use it! Position it properly and then mark the spot with masking tape so you don’t have to find the right set-up every single time.

Here are more ideas to help you incorporate an under-desk bike into your routine:

  • Start using it with lighter tasks, like reading emails. This will help you get used to pedaling while working. 
  • After a week or two, try pedaling when doing more demanding work like writing reports or analyzing data. Then check how you feel and your productivity levels.
  • Test different intensity and resistance levels according to which tasks you’re doing. This is to figure out in which tasks you’re more productive while using the bike versus the ones you’re not.
  • Schedule short breaks throughout the day to stand up and take a break from both the sitting and the pedaling. If possible, try to do this once every hour or two – it’s a quick and easy way to help you manage back pain from sitting! 
  • Vary your pedaling speed and resistance to break the monotony. 
  • Set fitness goals, like pedaling for 30 minutes a day.
  • Track your progress by writing down your biking time and distance, with a fitness tracker, etc. This helps keep you motivated.

Integrating an under-desk bike into your routine takes a bit of time and patience, so don’t give up after the first 2 weeks! 

Keep trying to incorporate it, under-desk bikes can truly improve your health.

Do under-desk bikes work for weight loss?

Yes, under-desk bikes can contribute to weight loss, but only when paired with a healthy diet and other forms of exercise. 

Mindlessly pedaling while you work may not lead to significant weight loss on its own. You need to make sure you are pedaling at a moderate intensity to burn enough calories. 

These pieces of equipment are a great way to supplement your weight loss routine, but they shouldn’t be the only thing you rely on.

Keep reading: Do Under Desk Bikes Work For Weight Loss? Yes, Here’s How!

Under-desk bike workout ideas

HIIT pedaling

Pedal at a high intensity for 30 seconds, then at a low intensity for 30 seconds. Repeat this 4-5 times! This will have your heart pumping in no time. 

Here’s a workout to follow along: 

Desk push-ups combo

Pair your biking with incline push-ups on your desk. 

Pedal for 5 minutes, then transition to 1 minute of desk push-ups. This combination keeps your muscles engaged and adds variety to your routine!

Here’s how to do an incline push-ups, try this but on your desk:

More ideas

  • Reverse pedaling: Engage different muscles by pedaling backward for a change of pace.
  • Arm exercises: Place the bike on the desk and cycle with your arms for a nice upper body workout
  • Pedal while watching TV: You can also pedal while watching a specific series or movies you enjoy (that way you’re doing something you like while taking care of your body)


Is an under-desk bike good exercise?

Yes, under-desk bikes are a good exercise! They provide a low-impact cardiovascular workout, helping your heart health and boosting your endurance.

Plus, they’re extremely conventional to use and fairly cheap. 

Do under-desk cycles really burn calories?

Yes, an under-desk cycle really burns calories. Anything that makes you move your body will bur calories!

The amount of calores burned varies, based the intensity of the pedaling, the duration, how often you do it, and lifestyle factors. 

Can you stand on an under-desk bike?

It’s not recommended to stand on an under-desk bike because the pedals are very narrow and not fit for standing.
You can stand on most under-desk ellipticals, though, as the pedals are much bigger and fit the entire foot.

The bottom line

With the right setup and proper technique, your under-desk bike can be the ally you need for a healthier lifestyle. 

These equipments are a fantastic way to incorporate physical activity into your sedentary work routine, regardless of your fitness level.

Just remember to make sure your setup fits YOUR needs, to find the “sweet spot” where comfort and productivity meet. 

Just remember to make sure your setup fits YOUR needs, to find the “sweet spot” where comfort and productivity meet. 

  • Torbeyns, Tine et al. “Cycling on a Bike Desk Positively Influences Cognitive Performance.” PloS one vol. 11,11 e0165510. 2 Nov. 2016, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0165510
  • Podrekar, Nastja et al. “Effects of cycle and treadmill desks on energy expenditure and cardiometabolic parameters in sedentary workers: review and meta-analysis.” International journal of occupational safety and ergonomics: JOSE vol. 27,3 (2021): 728-736. doi: 10.1080/10803548.2018.1562688

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