
Under Desk Bike Posture: 5 Guidelines And Tips To Help You Sit Correctly

Keeping a good posture while using your under-desk bike can help you pedal for longer, be more comfortable while doing it, and prevent unnecessary strain. There are 5 general guidelines, including: However, keep in mind that these are general guidelines! All bodies are different, so adjust the recommendations below to what feels right for YOUR…


How To Use An Under Desk Bike? 5 Tricks, Common Mistakes, And Workout Samples

Using an under-desk bike is pretty straightforward – put it on the floor, sit on the chair and start pedaling. However, there’s A LOT of nuance when it comes to the setup.  It can make the pedaling feel seamless, so it’s something you look forward to doing. OR it can make it so frustrating you…


Do Under Desk Bikes Work For Weight Loss? Yes, Here’s How To Use Them!

Yes, under-desk bikes do work for weight loss… But with some caveats. Under-desk bikes can help burn calories, which helps you lose weight. But it’s not a magical solution! Mindlessly pedaling while you work may not lead to significant weight loss on its own. You’ll burn more calories compared to just sitting still… But it…


16 Under Desk Bike Benefits (And Drawbacks) You Should Be Aware Of

Under-desk bikes are a cheap yet effective tool for health-conscious multitaskers. But, is it right for YOU? A physio weighs in. We’ve all heard how harmful it is to sit for long periods – it increases your risk of diabetes, heart disease, and more. Thankfully there are many things you can do about it, like…